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  Back to DAC School End of SY Status

Acquisition ID : 187 Acquisition Code: X132
Title: School End of SY Status
Start Date: Due: 2/7/2024
Date Completed: 1/4/2024
Purpose/Justification: Federal Reporting OMB-1875-0240 Level: Schools
Source: SEA (State Agency) Excel Template
Owner Office: School & District Improvement
Owner Name: Kristen Danusis Phone: (401) 222-8255
Owner eMail : kristen.danusis@ride.ri.gov
Steward Office: School & District Improvement
Steward Name: Allison Strumolo Phone: (401) 222-4271
Steward eMail : allison.strumolo@ride.ri.gov
Manager/Analyst Office: School & District Improvement
Manager/Analyst Name: Allison Strumolo Phone: (401) 222-4271
Manager/Analyst Email: allison.strumolo@ride.ri.gov
Application Name : csv4EDEN System: local
Description: work requires collaboration among specialists in Title I and School Improvement This data group is the dollar amount the school received for school improvement under Section 1003(a) of the ESEA under the subgrant made to the LEA. A State makes subgrants to LEAs to serve schools implementing comprehensive support and improvement activities or targeted support and improvement activities under Section 1111(d) of the ESEA based on LEA applications to the SEA. The amount reported is the amount of funds awarded to the LEA to serve the school which the school received for the reporting period (i.e., not actual expenditures).
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  Information last updated on 01/04/2024 by Dr. Ken Gu - SEA. 
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