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Date Message Sent Subject Sent By
2/26/2009  [RIDE] - collecting and reporting Student Daily Attendance  Dr. Ken Gu - SEA 
As you probably have been previously informed, we have been asked to collect students' daily attendance records as part of the Enrollment Census reporting. When fully implemented, we expect such records to be automatically submitted to the State's system on a frequent basis. Within the next few weeks, we will be asking you to submit/validate the school calendar from each district. The daily attendance sub-module as part of the Enrollment Census will be released for you to start submitted daily attendance. Records will be validated against students' current enrollment and the school calendar. Districts using the SQL auto-transfer agent can schedule the transfer of attendance records on a daily basis. For the moment, please look into how your districts keep the daily attendance records for each student and see if they can be mapped to the State's definitionns. The State adopts the national standards on collecting and reporting students' daily attendance. To download a free copy of the national guidance, go to Or order a free print copy by calling toll-free 1-877-4ED-PUBS or visiting http://www.edpubs.ord The State's reporting definitions of daily attendance can be found at this location - Final reporting instructions will be provided to you soon. Please feel free to contact myself for any questions about this reporting. Thank you! kenneth gu, phd,, 222-8957