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9/2/2008  [RIDE] - rosters for Fall State Assessment  Dr. Ken Gu - SEA 
For districts having problems with the EOY enrollment data submissions, please email me the student rosters for CURRENT school year (2008-09) with the following fields in order for us to print test labels: DISTCODE - district code SCHCODE - school code SASID - state assigned student ID LASTNAME - student last name FIRSTNAME - student first name MI - student middle initial GRADE - student's current school year grade (08-09) DOB - student's Date of Birth If you choose to email me the student rosters, please do so by end of Wednesday Sept 3rd. I'm also working with SchoolMax districts and asking RINET to build the current year's student rosters for all schoolMax districts. We will know if it will work shortly. This alternative solution does NOT replace your EOY enrollment reporting through SRM. We use the data you submit in your EOY reporting for running State Aid and in a number of high stake State and Federal program and accountability reports. Call or email me for any questions. Thank you! Kenneth Gu, PhD, 222-8957 Rhode Island Dept of Ed