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8/6/2004  RIDE - a workshop session on SASID Admin  Dr. Ken Gu - SEA 
This message is sent to all LEA data personnel with responsibilities to request and assign Unique Student Identifiers using the State's SASID system. We would like you all to attend this workshop session on SASID on Monday August 23rd at the airport Radisson Hotel. SASID is now integrated in State assessments, your local student record management systems, and your reporting of student data to the State. SASID is used to relate student records across databases and to track student information over time. Ensuring a accurate and unique assignment of a student ID is therefore the most critical step towards building a comprehensive student information system to support informed educational decisions and investments. You will learn not only the basics of the system, but also the latest development and the best practices learned in the first year of implementation. You will also be asked to train your LEA personnel on how to use the system to locate a SASID, submit a request for an ID for any new student and how to input the IDs into your local Student Information System and other student data systems. For more information about this session or to sign up, simply to go eRIDE, click on the Trainings/workshops. Registration by August 20th is required to attend. Please contact Marie Gariepy (222-4600 x 2231) if you wish to speak to someone at RIDE about this workshop. Thank you! =================================