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3/24/2013  RIDE launches new application for submitting, collecting personnel data  Lee Rabbitt 
The announcement below went out Friday to districts in the Commissioner's Field Memo. RIDE is pleased to announce a new data-collection application within the eRIDE portal for submitting personnel data. The new data-collection application is called the Personnel Data Collection (PDC). The first submission RIDE is launching within this new collection system is the Personnel Assignment Submission (PAS). The PAS will replace the Personnel Assignment Process (PAP). Just like the PAP, the PAS will allow LEAs to report assignment data regarding certified educators. HR specialists should use the PAS regularly to ensure that the LEA’s assignment data are up to date in the PAS. The PAS will be available starting today (March 22). For more information on the PAS, please visit: Please note this collection will be done through eRide. Anyone who attended the training and had an eRide account has been given access to the module in eRide. Data Managers can give appropriate district personnel access to the Personnal Data Collection (PDC). Data Managers can also request eRide accounts for any staff in districts that need an account. The user guide for this collection is included in the eRide PDC module. Support requests for the PDC should go to