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3/19/2013  [RIDE] - Today's WebEx  Deanna Raphael-State 
Good morning, Here's the information for today’s WebEx: URL: Time: 9:30 am Meeting number: 683 839 922 Meeting password: Info2011 Audio conference: 605-475-5900 Passcode: 792-7492 We will discuss any questions you have about the recent deadlines. Thank you all for your hard work with the funding formula collection. If you haven’t sent your reports in, please make sure to get them in today. The "ADM - State Calculated", "Snapshot, as of date 3/14/13", and "Submission" reports must be reviewed, signed, and faxed or scanned/e-mailed (preferred) to RIDE. Please let us know if you have any questions ( or 222-8400), -Deanna