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Date Message Sent Subject Sent By
11/8/2011    Charlene Gilman (State) 
Schedule for the Special Education Census Data collection: *************************************************************************************************************************************************** Thursday, December 8, 2011 – all Special Education census should have be completed, all maintenance reports run and all errors corrected and the data should be ready for your Data Manager to download tomorrow. Friday, December 9, 2011 – Special Education Census data collection process starts. The Special Ed Reporting Module is open for Data Managers to submit your census. Please do not add or update your census unless it is to correct errors. The errors will be listed in the Special Ed Reporting Module. Please do all corrections on your Special Education census and have your Data Manager –resubmit and ‘certify’ when your census data is error free. Wednesday, December 14 – by 4 pm- all errors must be corrected and all districts/charter schools must have an error free submission which is ‘certified’. The Duplication process cannot start until everyone’s Special Education Census is ‘certified’; please be considerate. Thursday, December 15 – Student Duplication Process begins (the students who are reported in two or more districts/charters for the same time). All districts must have a ‘certified’ error- free submission Today- check the Special Ed Reporting module to view the students in your district/charter who are reported as a duplicate. If a student has left your district, please update the student’s record on the Special Education census status to ‘inactive’, and either summer exit OR terminate services with a termination date and termination reason. If the ‘duplicated’ student is terminated from your census, please re-submit your updated census again ASAP in the Special Ed Reporting Module. Once, your district no longer has students listed as duplicates please ‘certify’ again. Please note: If your district/charter had no duplicates listed for the Duplication process, you do not have to ‘re-certify’ as your census remains ‘error free’ and certified. Friday, December 16 - by 12:45 p.m. – all district/charter schools must have resolved all Student Duplications and have a ‘certified’ submission. Please be considerate and plan accordingly. Monday, December 19 - the eRIDE Special Education system will be offline and unavailable. Tuesday, December 20 – the eRIDE Special Ed census will be back up and running. Thank you! Charlene Gilman