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2/15/2011  [RIDE] - WebEx  Deanna Raphael-State 
Good morning, Here's the info for this morning's WebEx in which we will be discussing the upcoming data collection for March 15th in which we need accurate enroll and exit dates, enroll_type, distcode_res, and lunch. From this data, we will calculate the ADM and there will be report signoff(s). Topic: Weekly eRIDE meeting Date: Every Tuesday at 9:30 am Meeting Number: 683 252 195 Meeting Password: Help2010 ------------------------------------------------------- To join the online meeting (Now from the Apple iPhone (R) too!) ------------------------------------------------------- 1. Go to 2. If requested, enter your name and email address. 3. If a password is required, enter the meeting password: Help2010 4. Click "Join". 5. Follow the instructions that appear on your screen. ------------------------------------------------------- To join the audio conference ------------------------------------------------------- 218-486-1611, passcode 4357 (help) -Deanna