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Date Message Sent Subject Sent By
11/18/2010  [RIDE] - Follow-up WebEx  Deanna Raphael-State 
Good morning, Based on the feedback from today's WebEx, we're going to have a follow up one tomorrow at 1:30pm. During this time we will go over any questions you have about the 09-10 dropouts, 09-10 graduates, and 09-10 retentions reports. These reports will first get updated during tonight's overnight processes, so please look at them tomorrow before the WebEx to bring any questions you have. Starting date: Friday, November 19, 2010 Starting time: 1:30 pm Meeting number: 682 926 748 Meeting password: Help2010 Audio conference: Primary number: 218-486-1611, passcode: 4357 Backup number: 213-289-5450, passcode: 7927492 -Deanna