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3/7/2004  RIDE - the latest on SASID implementation  Dr. Ken Gu - SEA 
Here are the latest on the rollout of the statewide student indenfication system: 1. On March 4 and 5th, RIDE conducted successful trainings on SASID implementation; close to 100 student information management and administrative personnel participated. 2. RIDE will provide another session in the week of March 15th for those who were unable to attend for the Marth 4 and 5th sessions. Time and date, and site location will be announced on Monday March 8th. All LEA student information management and administrative personnel must attend at least one training session before they can use the SASID system. 3. To help us determine who should be assigned the SASID administrative role, please email us at your earliest convience your district personnel assignment in this format: District Name: [your district name] 'SASID Admin' users: [list names] 'SASID' users: [list names] The functionality of 'SASID Admin' and 'SASID' are very much similar except that with 'SASID Admin', users will be able to create/assign SASID for immediate use. While LEA MIS personnel may assign the 'SASID' application to any trained LEA personnel, RIDE assigns the 'SASID Admin' application to selected LEA personnel. We strongly recommend that you not give the SASID application to any personnel who has not received any formal training. User access to the system will be immediately revoked or suspended when systematic misuse of the system by the user is detecked. Thank you very much for your cooperation!