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12/28/2010  [RIDE] - Deadline reminder  Deanna Raphael-State 
Good afternoon, The TCS Snapshot FAQ document has been posted here: Please see the following reminders about the two upcoming deadlines: The Cohort Exit Data Review module, formerly Update Student Exits, has been released. RIDE has completed the preliminary analyses and calculations of cohort graduation and dropout rates. Districts are asked to pay close attention to cohort 2007 and cohort 2006 because both cohorts will be used to measure school performance on high-school graduation rates. Please follow the instructions posted on eRIDE, at Review, and submit any corrections by Monday, January 10. When you have completed your data submission, district superintendents must sign off on the cohort data and fax or e-mail the signed reports to RIDE by Friday, January 14. Please note that our Data Office here at RIDE has notified us, Collections, about a significant increase in ‘transfer-out’ and ‘different cohort’ data. If the trend continues, the Data Office may ask for supporting evidence to ensure that the data provided is accurate. --- On January 10, we will begin collecting teacher-course-student data in order to capture a data snapshot of verified rosters of students for each teacher in grades 3 through 7 who is teaching an English language/literature or a mathematics course. This collection is a crucial step in the development of our Instructional Management System (IMS) and Educator Evaluation System (EES) because these systems will allow teachers to view their current class rosters with associated student learning data on a day-to-day basis. It is extremely important that all district data managers submit a clean set of data by the deadline. The timeline is as follows, the first two bullets are action items for data managers, and the following three are for other district staff: January 10: Data managers begin submitting the Teacher-Course-Student Snapshot data through eRIDE. Please review the Teacher-Course-Student Snapshot file specification document: Also, the TCS Snapshot FAQ document has been posted here: January 14: Deadline for data managers to have submitted an error-free Teacher-Course-Student Snapshot submission to RIDE. January 17: Principals should inform teachers in grades 3 through 7 who teach English or mathematics about the verification process and timeline. RIDE will provide districts with an information sheet and directions. January 24: Teachers will be contacted by RIDE through e-mail, and principals will receive a reminder to share information with their teachers. February 4: Deadline for teachers to verify rosters. Please note that a similar process will be conducted beginning May 10, 2011. Thank you for your assistance with this important data collection. Feel free to reach out to Ana Karantonis, at, or 222-8940, if you have any program questions. Please contact the HelpDesk if you have any technical questions: or 222-8400. Please let us know if you have any questions, -Deanna 222-8400